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Kicker And Catcher Game Parts List

Not all parts shown are in stock and only a few are included in the shopping cart system.
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          Some parts ship at a higher rate. Shipping costs will be quoted at the same time as availability.

Part No. Description Price
CC-598Instruction Card, 3 Balls/One Cent20.00Click for Pic
CC-599Instruction Card, 5 Balls/One Cent20.00Click for Pic
CC-600Instruction Card, 3 Balls/Five Cents20.00Click for Pic
CC-601Instruction Card, 5 Balls/Five Cents20.00Click for Pic
CC-603AYour Score Paper4.00Click for Pic
CC-610Score Paper8.00Click for Pic
F4010-UMain Casting (Used)65.00Click for Pic
F4020Brass Playfield Pin (10 Pack)4.00
F4030-UPin Board Assembly45.00Click for Pic
F4050Long Screw.20
F4060Flat Head Wood Screw.20
F4070Round Head Wood Screw.20
F4080-UBall Stop4.00
F4090Short Round Head Wood Screw.20
F4100-URear Runway Cover Casting w/Hdwe (Used)12.00Click for Pic
F4110Middle Screw.20
F4120-UCounter Lock Arm Assembly w/Hdwe (Used)12.00Click for Pic
F4130Thick Flat Washer.20
F4140Shoulder Bolt2.00
F4150-URegister Wheel Bracket Assy (Used)8.00
F4160Lock Washer.20
F4170Short Screw.20
F4180-URegister Wheel Assy (Used)65.00Click for Pic
F4190-URegister Wheel Bracket (Used)8.00
F4210-UBrass Rod (Used)8.00Click for Pic
F4220-UBall Cup Guide Casting (Used)12.00Click for Pic
F4230-URod Clamp (Used)1.00Click for Pic
F4240-UBall Release Assembly w/Hdwe (Used)18.00Click for Pic
F4250Middle Spring6.00
F4260-UCounter Arm Score Rod w/Hdwe (Used)12.00Click for Pic
F4270Short Spring6.00
F4280-UScore Reset Assy w/Hdwe (Used)12.00Click for Pic
F4290Thin Washer.20
F4300-UDial Adjustment Assy (Used)8.00Click for Pic
F4310-UTrip Lever Casting Assy w/Hdwe (Used)30.00Click for Pic
F4320-UControl Arm Assy w/Hdwe (Used)18.00Click for Pic
F4330Long Spring6.00
F4340-UKicker Leg Casting Assy (Used)35.00
F4340KC-UKicker Leg Casting Painted (Used)45.00
F4350Thin Washer.20
F4360Thick Washer1.00
F4370-UKicker Leg Ball Stop Wire (Used)4.00
F4380-UMain Kicker Spring (Used)12.00
F4380F-UFormed Main Kicker Spring (Used)12.00
F4390-UKicker Cam Casting Assy w/Hdwe (Used)30.00Click for Pic
F4400BT-UBall Cup Casting (Big Top) (Used)30.00
F4400KC-UBall Cup Casting (Kicker Catcher) (Used)30.00
F4400LL-UBall Cup Casting (Little League) (Used)30.00
F4400LS-UBall Cup Casting (Long Shot) (Used)30.00
F4400PG-UBall Cup Casting (Pot of Gold) (Used)30.00
F4410Long Bolt.20
F4430-URunway Casting (Used)25.00
F4440Plastic Glass Protector4.00
F4450Aluminum Glass Protector (Little League)8.00
F4460Little League Batter Assy25.00
F4520-UHandle Bearing Bar w/Hdwe (Used)8.00
F4540BTFront Glass (Big Top)95.00Click for Pic
F4540KCFront Glass (Kicker Catcher)75.00Click for Pic
F4540KCOFront Glass (Kicker Catcher, Early Style)95.00Click for Pic
F4540LLFront Glass (Little League)95.00Click for Pic
F4540LSFront Glass (Long Shot)95.00Click for Pic
F4540PGFront Glass (Pot of Gold)95.00Click for Pic
F4550Long Wood Strip w/Hdwe1.00
F4570Short Wood Strip w/Hdwe1.00
F4590Handle Assy75.00
F4600Handle Spacer1.00
F4610-UOperating Cam Casting w/Hdwe (Used)25.00Click for Pic
F4650Steel Ball1.50
F4660Marquee (Test Your Skill)95.00Click for Pic
F4660BMarquee (Little League)95.00Click for Pic
F9600D-U Coin Chute - 10c (Used) 95.00
F9600N-U Coin Chute - 5c (Used) 95.00
F9600Q-U Coin Chute - 25c (Used) 95.00
MT001 Metal Coin Tag, 1c 10.00 Click for Pic
MT005 Metal Coin Tag, 5c 10.00 Click for Pic
MT010 Metal Coin Tag, 10c 10.00 Click for Pic
MT025 Metal Coin Tag, 25c 10.00 Click for Pic